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Schmiedl, Gerhard, Hamburg University
Shaw, Dave, Biostratigraphic Associates (UK) Ltd
Shaw, Dave, <p><em>&sup1; Biostratigraphic Associates International, 17 Woodland Avenue, Norton Green, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, ST6 8NE, UK (associate biostratigrapher with RPS Energy).</em></p>
Steemans, Philippe, Pal&eacute;obotanique, Pal&eacute;opalynologie, Micropal&eacute;ontologie (PPM), Department of Geology, University of Li&egrave;ge,<em></em> B-18, Sart Tilman, 4000 Li&egrave;ge 1.<em></em>
Stein, Jeffrey A., <p>National Petrographic Services, Inc.</p>
Stephenson, Michael Henry, British Geological Survey
Story, Stacy L., <p><em>Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907, USA</em></p>
Streel, Maurice, University of Li&egrave;ge, belgium Department of Geology
Strother, Paul Klee, G&eacute;osyst&egrave;mes, Universit&eacute; Lille 1 and Weston Observatory, Boston College
Strother, Paul Klee, <p><em><sup>1</sup>Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Boston College, Weston, Massachusetts;</em></p><p><em>&nbsp;<sup>3</sup>D&eacute;pt. Sciences de la Terre, Universit&eacute; de Lille 1, FRE 3298 CNRS "G&eacute;osyst&egrave;mes", 59655 Vi
Sweet, Arthur Richard, Geological Survey of Canada, Calgary


Taylor, Wilson, Department of Biology, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Tedford, Rebecca Ann, BP America Inc.


Vajda, Vivi, Lund University, Sweden


van de Schootbrugge, Bas, <p>Goethe University Frankfurt</p><p>Institute of Geosciences</p>


Vecoli, Marco, <em><sup>3</sup>D&eacute;pt. Sciences de la Terre, Universit&eacute; de Lille 1, FRE 3298 CNRS "G&eacute;osyst&egrave;mes", 59655 Villeneuve d'Ascq, France<ins datetime="2011-07-12T09:50" cite="mailto:Bop08bep">;</ins></em>
Versteegh, Gerard


Wandkowsky, Michael, Hamburg University
Weber, Ryan D., BP America, Inc.
Wellman, Charles, Dept. of Animal &amp; Plant Sciences, University of Sheffield
Weston, Janice, RPS Energy
Weston, Janice, <p><em>&sup2; RPS Energy, Goldsworth House, Denton Way, Goldsworth Park, Woking, Surrey, GU21 3LG, UK.</em></p>
Willumsen, Pi Suhr, See:
Willumsen, Pi Suhr, Researcher at the Dept. of Earth and Ecosystem Sciences Lund University, Sweden
Wood, Stephanie Emma Louise, University of Leeds

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